Tuesday, November 30, 2010

random craftiness... plus persimmons

you notice that when i say craftiness, i mean the type that includes glue and wire and pliers... not soon-to-be criminal behavior. maybe to clear up the confusion, i should call it something else. like... craft-creation. or craftliness (you understand, the T makes all the difference). or maybe not. but i will think of something... someday ;). 

but anyway, i have in this here post some of the things i've been working on (hence the craftiness) and some stuff that's totally random (hence the random persimmons). 
i made this candle out of cheese wax from some of the cheese we had on the train in poland... with a wick made out of vegetable hemp. and the crazy part of it all is: it burned. well. even i was surprised.

persimmons!!! i've fallen in love with these crunchy/juicy nectary things :D. methinks i'll be planting a persimmon tree when i get back home... maybe. these are growing from our landlord's tree, which i can see from just outside my window. 

and... drumroll please... more earrings. and the wire frame that i made to hang them on. and a mat that i made out of palm leaves. more to come with that. 

hehe... and RANDOM!! do you see the poodle? i was sitting in my chair one day, 'doing school', when i looked up, and in a flash of brilliancy, said, there's a poodle sitting on that roof! brilliancy, indeed ;).

have you ever noticed what happens to clemintines when you hold them up to the light?  this is stained glass window material!

and, more earrings. because i just don't get tired of them ;)

and... my next brewing project. 

fun with charcoal and mirrors.

and... that's all, folks! happy tuesday! (for 10 more minutes ;))


Unknown said...

Ben and I aren't sure we see the poodle. What does that say about us?

Hannah Zimmerman said...

yeah I'm not seeing a poodle either...did you see it right after you got up? that would make more sense ;D

Hannah Zimmerman said...

oh wait. I see it. it's kinda tall and it's tall is way low, but other than that, it's a poodle!

Allison Gingerich said...

well, since some people just can't use a little imagination... ;) ;)maybe i'll do a little editing to help you to grasp the marvelous.