Monday, December 6, 2010


Ahh... I love it.

The lights, the smells, the fire, the feelings of excitement and anticipation... and Handel's Messiah! What could be better??

That said, something that I've been realizing lately is that things here on earth aren't perfect. Never. Yeah, I've always known that, but sometimes I catch myself unconsciously thinking that someday, if this and this and this happens, things will be awesome. The way it was meant to be. In a word; perfect.

Like if I could somehow get to go to Europe, and see Paris and Rome, Venice and Switzerland... Dude. Is that not what life always lacks?? Ahem. Yeah. Been there, done that. And don't get me wrong -- it was awesome. It's just that I was semi-consciously expecting it to be something more than awesome. And... it wasn't. Turns out that those places aren't the land at the end of the rainbow after all. In fact, they are places filled with people that are human. Just like the American variety. Moral of the story: nothing is perfect. And what's more; sometimes the things that you don't expect to be very exciting at all turn out to be more perfect than you ever would have imagined. I guess the secret is to let life be less than perfect -- cause it will anyway -- and enjoy to the fullest the goodness that we do have. Shucks, if things were perfect now, we'd have nothing to look forward to! Anyway. That would be a rabbit trail that I didn't intend to go off on.

So, I've got news, family! Yeah. I've reformed. Are you scared? Basically, I've been enjoying some country music... Scandalous, isn't it? Oh well, you'll forgive me ;). Oh, and this is devoted to my oldest little brother. You know why ;).

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